
Berkley and Santa Want YOU to Decide Where Santa Should Fish after Christmas

Berkley and Santa Want YOU to Decide Where Santa Should Fish after Christmas

Everyone wants to know what Santa does after he’s done delivering toys to all the good boys and girls after Christmas. Well, we know the answer! Santa goes fishing! And this year, Santa needs your help to decide where he should fish next and what makes it a not-to-be-missed fishing destination!

Fishing tackle brand Berkley and Santa Claus are teaming up to look for fishy cities, towns, and communities who want Santa to visit, fish and donate to a good fishy cause on December 27th. Entering your community in the mix is easy: Answer the questions on the submission form and tell us why Santa should come to your area. You can fill out the submission form here!

The winning town must have a great fishing spot and clearly identify a conservation need or special fishing access project that Santa and Berkley can support. Submissions are open to everyone, but there are only three days left to submit so enter your town through December 5, 2021, for a chance to be the winning town!

Remember, even after Christmas Santa loves to give presents! The winning location will receive gifts for the children of the community and a generous donation for their conservation/special project from Berkley Fishing.

The top five towns will be announced on December 7, 2021, and the winning town will be chosen by a public vote that will run from December 7 through December 12.

To submit your town, visit

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